SINCE 1991, KEVCON, INC has been a reliable and dedicated resource for the engineering design and supply of nationally-recognized products for structural retaining wall solutions and steep slope stabilization for land development and permeable parking lots, alleys and drive lanes. What sets us apart is our professional focus on the best architectural and engineered solutions to optimize the site development need for efficiency, performance, and long term value.
KEVCON offers complete preliminary design services as part of the project planning and feasibility phase of all commercial projects. We work well with the selected Project Engineering Team to provide the complete array of preliminary design support as necessary. Additionally Pre-construction conferences and in-progress site consultations are provided on a regular basis by KEVCON to assure project success through completion.
The KEYSTONE Retaining Wall Products offer the widest range of unit sizes and architectural facing options to satisfy the architectural and structural design demands for all segmental block retaining walls: High walls, Stream embankment walls, Pressure Relief Walls and, other grade differential stabilization challenges. Our local manufacturing partner, The BAUER COMPANY, provides the highest quality block through a rigorous Quality Control/Quality Assurance program.
The STRATA SYSTEMS reinforcement geogrids and fabrics provide the structural mechanism component proven to perform in all types of reinforced soil applications. All required testing and technical information are complete and in full compliance with ASTM standards and stipulations. Custom Rolls sizes available.
This high strength concrete unit shape is the ideal permeable solution to improve storm water management for parking lots, alleyways, pathways, and other applications. The PAVEDRAIN unit shape, design, and size (1 SF/unit) allows an “open-joint” system that provides the highest water infiltration rates with a minimum of maintenance requirements compared to other systems. No requirement for aggregate to stabilize the joint between installed units.
PAVEDRAIN installations begin with, and maintain, a higher infiltration rate throughout the life cycle of the system. PaveDrain’s unique “Arch” design provides for additional storm water storage. The unit shape makes it an easy product to install by hand, or to utilize the efficient mechanical installation method desired for larger applications. PaveDrain satisfies HS-25 loading and is ADA compliant. It is available in a variety of colors.
This innovative product is a Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mat manufactured by Milliken Industries to the highest quality standard. This unique high strength concrete-impregnated woven fabric provides a protective layer of high strength concrete in a flexible format to solve erosion control applications in remote sites or challenging construction conditions. CONCRETE CLOTH is delivered in portable or bulk rolls that can be rolled out onsite and then hydrated to provide a protective layer of 4,000 psi concrete. Applications include, but are not limited to:
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